For EACH order not registered, a fine of $55 will be applied. This value applies to any type of order, including photocards and postcards. The amount must be paid within 3 (THREE) days after the order arrives.

K-SEND USA reserves the right to reject, sell, and discard unregistered orders after THREE DAYS if the fine has not been paid.

Reject: The order will not be accepted by K-SEND USA upon delivery by the courier. Therefore, it will return to its country of origin. It does not apply if the order has been delivered to our warehouse and is awaiting payment from the customer;
Sell: K-SEND USA will list the items for sale;
Discard: Items will be thrown away.

To register your order, click on the “Start here” tab and register the order. All information is in the “Reception fee” description, the Terms & Conditions, and our FAQ.

For NON-registered customers: If your order arrived and there was no registration, contact K-SEND USA at within 24h after it was delivered and inform us about the order. Please DO NOT place an order on our website for something that has already arrived. We will cancel the order WITHOUT the option of a REFUND! All sales are final, as stated on our website.

For registered customers: K-SEND USA will contact you via email, sending the invoice for payment.

  • It is the customer’s responsibility to register the order before it arrives at K-SEND USA. We understand that when the customer enters our address for the product delivery, they are 100% aware of all the terms. Therefore, there is no possibility of reinsuring the items after the fine’s payment deadline;
  • It is the customer’s responsibility to register the order BEFORE the launch of the product (in case of pre-order) and its shipment;
  • Delivery apps may not update the tracking in real-time, so the customer is responsible for registering the order from the moment they receive the tracking of the order sent or even before;
  • K-SEND USA is not responsible for third parties using the account of an already registered customer. As informed in our FAQ, your account can be used by friends/family, but it is the CLIENT’s responsibility to keep informed about third-party purchases and register on our website;
  • K-SEND USA will contact you ONLY via email. We will not send messages on social networks or via TICKET. The email will be the only one that will contact the customer and/or that must be communicated about the order;
  • The customer understands that, when paying the fee for receiving an order that HAS ALREADY arrived and has not been registered, they will not be able to obtain a refund since they will have to pay the fine. The order must be registered BEFORE to avoid any inconvenience;
  • The customer may request that K-SEND USA return the package to the sender. The service charge is $20*.
    * The price does not include the Paypal fee!By sending any order to K-SEND USA, the customer is aware of the above information and is responsible for the items that will be sent to the address of K-SEND USA.

Packages without the recipient’s names will be sold or thrown away upon arrival at the K-SEND USA warehouse. The customer is responsible for providing all the correct data to the sender so that the order is sent correctly!
We cannot recover a package with no name after 24h.

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