• Coverage

This agreement covers the terms and conditions of use of all services, products, channels, and systems (from now on referred to as “service” or “services”) offered by K-SEND USA (under GIZO DIGITAL LLC) to Customers and consumers (from now on referred to as “ Customer,” “Customers”). The services’ terms of use can only be accepted in their entirety, without any reservation or amendment, with all the resulting rules (including the K-SEND USA Privacy Policy) and procedures published by K-SEND USA. K-SEND USA reserves the right to update the terms of use at anytime. Continuing to use the services implies consent to the amended terms, even if the Customer has not become aware of them. The most recent version of the terms of use will always be available on this page.

The terms placed here are for you to use our services, products, channels, or systems.

  • Accession

When using the services of K-SEND USA, the Customer will automatically agree with all the terms of use presented on this page. If the Customer disagrees with the terms presented, the Customer must not use the services offered here. By accepting the terms of use, the Customer will provide personal information to contract and use the services, declares to be of legal age to sign such contracts, have no legal limitations, be responsible for the orders placed, and become aware of our values ​​listed in this table, as well as the respective customs and tax rules of the countries involved.

K-SEND USA is based in the United States; therefore, it follows the laws of the country and State in which it is located!

To use K-SEND USA, you must be responsible and knowledgeable of current customs and tax laws.

  • Services

K-SEND USA, through the domain ksendusa.com, Facebook, Instagram, e-mail, Twitter, and TikTok, offers the following services: Information, Support, Assisted Purchase, Receipt, Evaluation, Return, Storage, Consolidation, Additional Services, and Redirectingl packages from the United States of America to any country whose mail has a direct connection with the US State Post Office (USPS) or private couriers. All services are subject to conditions for consumption, execution, and pricing policy.

Under federal anti-discrimination laws, we can refuse service to anyone for any reason. 

  • Reimbursement

All services are final. That is, there is no possibility of returns, exchanges, or refunds for K-SEND USA’s services.

  • Support

K-SEND USA offers support through its channels for all orders in transit to our warehouse, stored or already in transit to the final destination. You may contact us at hello@ksendusa.com for assistance. Order inquiries cannot be made through social media due to privacy topics.

  • Reception

K-SEND USA receives the order from registered Customers. We charge a fee starting at $3 for bigger packages and  $1.50 (photocards and postcards) for the receipt of each order. The cost is prepaid. Unregistered orders must be discarded if the fee is not paid before the order arrives at our warehouse. All information can be checked on this page or the “Unregistered orders” page. 

For every unregistered order, a fine of $55 will be charged. This amount must be paid within three days. Read more about unregistered orders HERE.

We will open all packages that arrive at K-SEND USA. However, we will not remove any protection, seal, or type of item from inside the box. This way, we will avoid any inconvenience to serve our customers better.

We DO NOT store orders that:

  1. Don’t have the CORRECT K-SEND USA address;
  2. From unregistered customers or customers who did not pay the reception fee;
  3. Do not have the receiving fee paid.

If the box was sent to the WRONG address, K-SEND USA is not responsible for tracking the package. We are NOT accountable since the address must be written the same way you received it. In case of non-payment of the fee for receiving the product within THREE business days after arrival, the order will be sold or thrown away!

You can change the item you wrote in your notes to another one as long as the item falls within the same category as the reception fee you paid. For example, if you paid the Package reception, we can change for any item that is NOT a photo card, postcard, or small inclusions. If you paid for the Photocard reception, we can change for any small inclusion like photo cards, stickers and postcards.

For example, I paid for the package reception to send one album from group XYZ. However, I’d like to change and use it for an album from group ABC.

To request a change in your order description, please email hello@ksendusa.com BEFORE your order arrives. Otherwise, we’ll apply our $55 fine.

You authorize K-SEND USA to open any package in case of suspicion of items (illegal) or that we are not permitted to send. Check the list of PROHIBITED items here.

  • Order registration

Once your order has arrived, we will check the weight, measure the box/package, and attach it with the data to send, including up to three pictures. Additional photos are charged $1. 

  • Storage

We offer 30 days of FREE storage for every order. To understand better, check our FAQ!

After 30 days, a fee will be charged according to the package size. Check the storage fee table HERE. After three months, if there is no contact or payment by the Customer, K-SEND USA reserves the right to throw away the packages WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE! After that, we can’t recover the package! Please be aware of these terms.

  • Consolidation

Consolidation means sending all items in the same box to save shipping fees. Consolidation is free.

  • Final quote

After the Customer approves the final quote for the services (shipping + K-SEND services), they have up to 20 days to pay and three days after that to fill out the customs form. The payment link is sent in the ticket after the Customer says they are ready to pay. Suppose after this period passes, there is no payment. In that case, the box begins to accumulate the daily storage fees. After three months without any contact or payment, the product(s) will be sold or discarded by K-SEND USA, thus possession thereof.

After the final quote is accepted, the 20-day payment period begins to count. That is, adding more items to the box or consolidating is impossible. If the Customer wishes to cancel the final quote, they must tell the staff on their ticket. However, a fee will be charged. If you requested additional protection for your order, we will charge you $7 in your new quote for every cancellation. If you didn’t request the additional protection, we will charge you $5 in your new quote for every cancellation. This price also applies to quotes that were never answered, and the customer comes back after a while requiring new quotes. Or if the customer requests or keep doing so after all quotes were sent.

If the customs form requires any changes by the customer or is NOT sent within 3 days, we will start charging our storage fee, and the order will only be sent if the customer pays. By doing that, we can avoid inconveniences for the customer and K-SEND USA by shipping everything by the given deadlines. Please always ensure to check your ticket till you have your tracking number.

  • Redirecting

K-SEND USA is responsible for preparing the order for shipment within ten business days after receiving the correct customs form from the Customer if there are no additional requests regarding special packaging or shipping arrangements. K-SEND USA does not ship packages to other warehouses and proxy addresses.

K-SEND USA does not sell products directly from the supplier. We are also not responsible for any product damaged during transport, or that may present problems in the future. K-SEND USA only ships orders if the Customer requests it through the ticket. K-SEND USA has no involvement in reimbursing postal fees for unsatisfactory services provided by freight and postal service companies. K-SEND USA does not offer any compensation for moral damages or losses related to any commercial operations of the Client.

  • Customs form

K-SEND USA only guarantees the shipment of an order with the customs declaration associated with the order properly completed, per the import-export rules and other regulations of the United States and the customs agencies of the respective country. The Customer must know about these regulations and verify that they are being complied with during shipment. The Customer is responsible for filling out the customs form that will be sent to this via ticket for completion.

  • Responsibility

K-SEND USA is not responsible for the actions of third parties (delays, losses, returns, missing contents, etc.), such as postal and freight services (e.g., USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.). All terms and conditions of third-party services are subject to separate agreements. This means that any problem given in receiving the order via supplier>USA and USA>Destination country is not the responsibility of K-SEND USA. 

  • VAT & Import fees

The Customer is solely responsible for due customs and tax charges, as well as other payments and fees related to postal services and the transport of goods across international borders. K-SEND USA is not responsible for any returns, apprehension, or other procedures by customs authorities or postal services. In these cases, the amount paid for shipping cannot be refunded. 

  • Miscellaneous

K-SEND USA does not have any service for processing and sending gift cards, payment cards, discount cards, coupons, and gift certificates purchased by Customers from third parties, whether individuals or legal entities. K-SEND USA is not responsible for products purchased from stores and/or suppliers or for transporting these products to K-SEND USA.

  • Company policy

 K-SEND USA reserves the right to refuse to offer any service without clarifying the reasons. In this case, the balance amount is reversed to the card with which the credits were added, in which case the order will be rejected.

K-SEND USA’s liability cannot exceed the scope of the services offered for a specific purpose.

  • Update (February 6th, 2023)

The content described in this document corresponds to the most up-to-date version of our terms of use. K-SEND USA reserves the right to modify existing prices, conditions, and services without prior notification of such change.

If changes are made, we will notify our customers.

  • Count on us

K-SEND USA has its headquarters in Florida in the United States of America. It operates following the laws of this country. We are your favorite US Kpop Warehouse.

COVID-19 AND SHIPPING: With the pandemic, we ask you to be patient with the shipping deadline, as shipments may be overloaded by mail and courier. In addition to the deadline they give, we ask that you wait up to 30 days for the order to arrive!

K-SEND USA - Powered by GIZO DIGITAL FRANCHISE LCC  © (2023). All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy