Contracting the shipment to international destinations of the items described below is prohibited unless otherwise indicated. You agree not to make such requests. Other restrictions may apply depending on the destination location. In addition to customs clearance, multiple regulatory clearances may be required for certain goods, thus extending time in transit.

  1. Shipments to United States Military Mail (APO), Naval Mail (FPO), and Diplomatic Mail (DPO) addresses;
  2. Collect shipments (for payment by the recipient).
  3. Human cadavers, human organs or body parts, human or animal embryos, and human remains cremated or disinterred;
  4. Explosives of any class;
  5. Articles that resemble bombs, grenades, or other explosive devices, except as provided in the “Dangerous Goods” section. The category includes, but is not limited to, inert products such as toys, training materials, and works of art;
  6. Firearms, Armaments, and Related Parts;
  7. “Bump stock” shooting attachment and other rapid-fire triggers;
  8. Phantom guns and other firearms;
  9. Firearms or other weapons manufactured using 3D printing;
  10. 3D printers designed or operated exclusively to manufacture firearms;
  11. Perishable foods or foods and beverages that require refrigeration or other environmental controls. It is possible to make an exception by contractual agreement. Usually, FedEx can provide this shipping service;
  12. Live animals (including insects);
  13. Carcasses of animals, insects, and pets;
  14. Plants and plant material, including cut flowers (cut flowers can be shipped from the US to certain destinations in Canada and from Colombia, Ecuador, and the Netherlands to the US).
  15. Lottery tickets and gaming devices prohibited by law;
  16. Cash (coins, cash, paper money, and negotiable cash-equivalent instruments such as backed shares, bonds, and deposit forms);
  17. Pornographic and/or obscene material;
  18. Shipments processed with:
    Customs duty refund requests;Temporary Import Links – Accepted with FedEx International Freight Forwarder Selection Option for initial import only;

    Licenses issued by the US Department of State;

    US Drug Enforcement Administration export authorization;

    Letters of credit. Shipments subject to letters of credit are generally prohibited.

    Submission of registration certificates (CF4455);

  19. Hazardous waste. This category includes, but is not limited to, used hypodermic needles or syringes transported for sterilization, recycling, disposal, or any other purpose, as well as other medical waste;
  20. Shipments that may cause damage or delay to equipment, personnel, or other shipments;
  21. Shipments that require obtaining a license or special authorization for transport, import, or export;
  22. Shipments or goods whose transport, import, or export is prohibited by law, statute, or regulation;
  23. Counterfeit goods, including but not limited to goods bearing a trademark identical to or substantially indistinguishable from a registered trademark, without the trademark owner’s approval or supervision (also known as “counterfeit goods” or “fake goods”);
  24. Tobacco articles and products include but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, loose tobacco, smokeless tobacco, or hookah;
  25. Electronic cigarettes and their components, any other similar device that uses vaporization or aerosolization, and any non-combustible gel or liquid, regardless of the presence of nicotine, that can be used with devices of this type;
  26. Marijuana, whether for recreational or medical use, and cannabidiol (“CBD”), as well as products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”) and synthetic cannabinoids in any amount;
  27. Natural or unrefined hemp plants, their subparts, and derivatives (including but not limited to hemp stems, hemp leaves, hemp oil, hemp flowers, hemp seeds, and hemp-derived CBD), except as outlined in 21 CFR 1308.35, US Federal Regulations;
  28. Any substance not approved for medical use by the US Food and Drug Administration and listed as a drug or chemical of concern by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, including but not limited to kratom and Salvia divinorum;
  29. Shipments whose declared value for customs is higher than that allowed for the specific destination;
  30. Dangerous goods;
  31. Wet packs, leaking or giving off any odor;
  32. Wildlife products that require the shipping method to obtain export clearance from the US Fish and Wildlife Service before exporting shipments originating in this country;
  33. Shipments with customs bonds destined for or come from a Foreign Trade Zone or bonded warehouse. 

We do not ship any item on this list, with no exceptions!

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